On-demand webinars

Financial controls for Insurance: key challenges and best practices, on-demand

Effective financial controls are vital for insurance organisations, forming the basis of accurate financial and regulatory reporting.

But building robust control frameworks is only possible with the right governance and management of cash matching and allocation procedures – something which requires sufficient levels of operational automation.

In this webinar, our speakers discussed everything insurance firms need to know to build best-in-class financial controls using automated technologies.

You heard from PKF Littlejohn’s Partner, John Needham, and Senior Transaction Services Manager, Christopher Stout. You also heard from AutoRek’s Product Manager, Murray Campbell, and Insurance Lead, Piers Williams.

They’ve covered:

  • How to overcome common financial control challenges
  • Cash matching top tips
  • The importance of granular, transaction-level controls
  • Using CASS 5 best practices to bolster financial controls


If you’ve missed our webinar, watch the recording below

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