On-demand webinars

On-demand webinar: CASS Guide: Current landscape and delivering automation

Despite CASS regulations being in place for around two decades, 98% of investment executives in the UK say that CASS compliance remains a significant focus for their firm’s senior management team.

To help your firm stay on top of all things CASS, watch AutoRek and Goodacre’s joint webinar: CASS Guide: Current landscape and delivering automation.

Webinar recap – 5 key takeaways

AutoRek’s Product Manager, Murray Campbell and Anna Dawson, Director at Deloitte discussed CASS compliance requirements, audit expectations & best practices and latest market trends in automating CASS processes.

During the webinar, we learnt that:

  1. CASS Risk assessments are key & need to be continuous
  2. Firms are expected to self-monitor throughout the year and not to wait for the Auditor
  3. Auditors fully expect firms to detect their own CASS breaches through their own testing
  4. CASS processes are becoming more reliant on technology
  5. Your data needs to be complete and accurate to maximise the use of your vendor

Click below to watch the full webinar.