

Our powerful automated reconciliation tool, which helps clients automate manual processes and achieve 50%+ cost reduction and save 75% of time. The solution takes control of data and provides regulatory compliance.

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Key benefits

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    Reduce operating costs and meet cost reduction objectives
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    Remove spreadsheets and manual processes for greater efficiency
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    Achieve ROI within 9 months
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    Reconcile data in any format, allowing easy integration with existing systems
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    Enhance regulatory compliance
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    Access real-time insight and granular reporting, giving you full data confidence
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    Automated workflows to increase efficiency and streamline processes
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    Real-time, reliable MI and comprehensive audit trails allow accurate reporting
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    Fully scalable to support company growth

An end-to-end reconciliation automation solution

AutoRek facilitates financial organisations to streamline the collection, validation and reconciliation of data. It also provides the transparency and governance necessary for a comprehensive and compliant reporting process.

1. Data ingestion

The first step is data ingestion, where we import or integrate data from a variety of sources. Formats can vary or change over time, which is why our solutions are designed to be flexible enough for businesses to manage and adjust format types without involvement from IT.

Key data ingestion features:

Out-of-the-box support for input formats including:

  • ACH
  • ISO 20022
  • Spreadsheet
  • CSV
  • Bank statement formats
  • Supports OCR for paper data sources like insurance statements and broker statements
  • Automatically identify source data formats
  • Real-time, batch or scheduled integrations
  • API for programmatically inputting data

2. Data management

Before imported data is automatically reconciled, it is first consolidated, normalised, transformed or enriched to ensure the data is of good quality and can be made matchable.

Key data management features:

  • Enrichment and transformation tools to improve raw data sets
  • Merge third-party data sources with raw data files like currency tables
  • Consolidate detailed transactions to create summarised transactions
  • Disaggregate or explode bulk entries
  • Use one data source for multiple reconciliations without re-importing
  • Add reporting labels and field to data files for downstream classification and exception management
  • Full audit trail of the original and transformed data files

3. Intelligent matching

Intelligent matching is the heart of the reconciliation process. It is at this stage that data sources are matched or identified as breaks or exceptions that need to be accounted for.

Key intelligent matching features:

  • Intelligent match analysers to recognise fields and suggest optimal match rules
  • Ability for end users to build match rules without IT involvement
  • One-to-many, tiered or cascading match sequences
  • Timing and age sensitive match rules
  • Role segregation for match rule creation, approval and execution
  • High-speed matching for large volumes

4. Exception management

Exception management determines how unmatched items are accounted for and explained, which includes signatory on the break explanation.

Key exception management features:

  • Prioritise a user’s exception management and work queue by materiality, due dates or other criteria
  • Integral workflow to assign, route and track exception cases
  • Surface explanations into dashboard and work queues to prioritise tasks
  • Automatic escalation of breaks that exceed due dates and materiality levels for follow-up
  • Consolidated view of all outstanding breaks, user work queues and bottlenecks

5. Attestation

Attestation aims to certify results of the reconciliation process. Integrated into AutoRek, our attestation feature allows for clear close sequences for a full audit trail.

Key attestation features:

  • Centralised sign-off and attestation hub with complete audit trails
  • Assign ownership of accounts, transaction types and other criteria
  • Visibility of ownership across legal entities, business units and locations

6. Auto-journalling and reconciliation

This step is designed to document the accounting impact for the reconciliation with journal entries. AutoRek comes complete with integral sub-ledgers that automatically create journals for entries like rounding differences and write-offs.

Key auto-journalling and reconciliation features:

  • Integral sub-ledger with transactions that can be easily exported to ERP/general ledger
  • Automatically create journals for rounding differences, tolerance write-offs, currency differences and sales taxes
  • Supports multi-period, multi-currency and multi-company sub-ledger posting controls
  • Journal entry audit trail tied to the reconciliation

7. Reporting, dashboarding and auditing

The final step of the process is to provide reports for accounting, regulatory and management information purposes. AutoRek dashboards are tailored to each business, surfacing any information required from the reconciliation process.

Key reporting, dashboarding and auditing features:

  • Full data lineage
  • Unified database to accurately report across the whole process
  • Online dashboards to drill down into any aspects of the process
  • Automatic of scheduled report generation

True flexibility with SaaS

The AutoRek solution is available in the cloud. Unlike on-premise deployments, this eliminates the need to invest in hardware installation or contingency plans for backup, disaster, recovery and maintenance.

Key SaaS benefits:

  • Lower cost of entry
  • Pay as you use
  • Scalable on demand
  • Easy to use and integrate
  • Highly secure
  • Maintenance included

Use cases

In addition to automated reconciliations, our platform can also help your firm enhance:

Abstract data

Operational resilience

FCA-regulated organisations must have robust operational processes in place to respond to and recover from market disruptions.

AutoRek comes complete with a flexible rules mapping engine, allowing your company to eliminate manual processes for compliance with Operational Resilience guidelines.

Regulatory reporting

Regulators continue to test firms with a focus on restoring confidence in markets, enhancing transparency and improving fairness. As such, our solutions are built with regulatory reporting requirements in mind, performing data standardisation and enrichment ahead of downstream reporting.

Data management

Managing data effectively is critical for financial organisations today to maximise operational performance and satisfy increasingly stringent regulatory guidelines. But creating a golden source of truth on data can be challenging, especially when dealing with legacy platforms and inefficient processes.

Embedded into the AutoRek solution, our data management functionalities give you full control over your financial data. From data amalgamation and consolidation to data validation and deduplication, AutoRek’s powerful suite of tools creates a golden source of truth on data.

Get ready to transform your reporting processes

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